The four main functions of the exhaust: is to control noise, direct exhaust fumes away from passengers, improve the performance of the engine and to improve fuel consumption. Grand Pointe Auto will diagnose repair and replace your vehicles exhaust system.
What is the exhaust system?
Its the metal tubes connected to the engine. There are parts that work together to reduce the noise and the by-products created in during gasoline combustion inside the engine.
The exhaust system consist of:
- A Catalytic Converter: It is the component that sends the gases through a final “burn” to remove leftover exhaust gases.
- A Muffler: This muffles the sounds of the explosions happening inside your engine.
- A Tailpipe: The tailpipe carries the air and water vapor out and away from the vehicle.
Auto Exhaust, should you care about it?
When the exhaust is in proper operation, the gases or "exhaust" created during the fuel combustion process are carried through the muffler and tailpipe. Vehicle exhaust contains carbon monoxide, which can cause headache, nausea, dizziness, and general disorientation in humans. Leaks in the system can allow these dangerous exhaust fumes to leak into the passenger area causing discomfort and possible illness to people riding in the vehicle! Check your exhaust system frequently, if you notice that your car seems to sound different, loud, or suddenly makes a deep rumbling sound when it’s running, this may be a sign of a hole or leak in the exhaust.
Keep your exhaust in good working condition!
Keeping your exhaust system in good shape means fighting its worst enemy: rust. Rust, occurs when the metal parts of your exhaust are exposed to moisture from outside elements like rain and snow, which seems to be quite often in Michigan! If your vehicle is exposed to road salt, have the undercarriage rinsed every few weeks. Salt contributes to corrosion of the metal parts of your car, so removing it regularly will extend the life of your exhaust.