Hayden Ramm, on Grand Pointe's service advisor team. Hayden is knowledgeable and friendly and very customer focused. A bit of a jokester he likes to pull pranks and answer all his coworkers with sarcasm. He looks forward to one day being able to open up his own junk yard. But he has a twist to the traditional "junk yard", his would not only include used automobile parts and mud he will also have all varieties of junk people can come buy; old toys, storage space buy out items, rejected expired Japanese candy, old bed springs, you name he wants it in his yard preventing the grass from growing, so he can stop grumbling about mowing it! While he is waiting for you to come pick through his junk, he'll be sitting in his office, feet on the counter watching television, his favorite invention this century. He's been mesmerized with it since he was old enough to be locked in a gaze with it. Pretty much as far back as he can remember. He's here to help you in any way he can to get your vehicle back on the road and to keep you moving, but he's is looking forward to the junkyard days!